30 June 2010

Two Climbs

Got a late start so I did a shorter 2-climb ride. Texter Mountain Road and Galen Hall to the hobbit village, then home.

Total average speed - 15.5 mph

Texter Mountain Road hill climb - 17:30

Uphill sprint to Redners - Held a solid 23mph

Texter climb was painful at the bottom. But did the first mile to Focht Road in 9:30, which I think is faster that usual.

27 June 2010

Mt. Penn Climb

Finally did the climb to the summit of Mt. Penn.

The road was closed for a previous car race, so I had the road to myself.

9.5mph average from the bottom of Duryea to the Fire Tower. Remarkably hot -- around 95 degrees.

The descent was too sketchy, though, so I'll probably avoid this climb for a long while. Bad roads, lots of potholes.

24 June 2010

Catching Up

It's 2010 and a couple of years since the last time I posted, but I certainly haven't stopped training and riding. From here on out, I'll be logging my progress as I ramp up my efforts.

Weight: 185 lbs. (weighed 240 in 2007-2008)
Average speed max on Myerstown TT: 19.7mph
Cruising speed on Myerstown TT: 22mph
Average ride time: 2.5 hours

Currently combining the Eagles Peak climb with the Texter Mountain climb and the Galen climb.

Also, I finally did the South Mountain climb up from Newmanstown.

Working on interval training once a week to increase overall average speed.